
Today we wake to the news that Britain has voted to leave Europe. While no one is certain what this will mean we can say without doubt that it will bring huge changes not just in Ireland but in all Europe. Will other country’s follow suit? Will we see a physical border dividing our country? Will our economy stand strong? However, while there will be many changes at another level nothing has changed.

One Lord

As I woke this morning to the sun rise it reminds me that this world and our universe are in the hands of our Mighty creator God.

‘Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breath of his hand marked off the heavens? Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten him, and who taught him the right way? Who was it that taught him knowledge or showed him the path of understanding? Surly the nations are like a drop in the bucket; they are regarded as dust on the scales;…He brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing. No sooner are they planted, no sooner are they sown, no sooner do they take root in the ground, than he blows on them and they wither, and a whirlwind sweeps them away like chaff.’ Isaiah 40v13-15, 23-24

The fact is nations come and go, rulers come and go but the Lord Remains in sovereign control. Britain does not rule, Europe does not rule and Ireland does not rule – The Lord rules over all the kingdoms of this world and he will do as he pleases. God is not surprised or stumped by any Brexit, so do not fear or worry. God is King.

Two Kingdoms

While commentators talk at length about what this will mean for Europe and whether it will provoke others to leave and seek independence the fact remains their remains only two Kingdoms. There is the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the world, The Kingdom of light and The Kingdom of darkness. What counts is not “Are we Irish, British or European” but are we in God’s Kingdom?

‘For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.’ Colossians 1v13

Each one of us are born outside of God’s kingdom, we have rebelled against God’s good and loving rule and chose to ‘exit’ and live independently from him. To stay outside of God is to stand in opposition to his King, the Lord Jesus Christ. That is a problem because God will not let us rebel against him forever. He will return as Judge and we will be separated from his Kingdom for all eternity. However God through his Son Jesus has come to rescue us. Jesus has come to die in our place so we might be forgiven and share in his eternal Kingdom forever. What counts is that our identity is in Christ and our citizenship is in heaven.

Three Responses

We will have to wait and see what this will mean for Ireland and the rest of Europe. But as we wait we are not powerless. We can pray.
Three things to pray for:

Pray for the leaders of our country north and south and those across Europe. It is a delicate and fragile time so wise and careful decisions will need to be made. Pray that they will act in the interests of all people for peace and prosperity.
Pray for the people of Europe that they will not trust in Political or Economical institutions which are all doomed to fail and fall but that they will trust in the one true King, The Lord Jesus Christ. May God use this ‘shake up’ to turn people to him.
Pray for the church that her priority and focus will be to work together in unity for the building up of his Kingdom. May the Church rise to be a light of hope, with a clear message of truth and with courage to speak and be his ambassadors here on earth.