Worship in the Church – Part 1

I realize this is a topic much discussed in blogs and and books and seems a bit out of date with current issues and trends in the church. However it seems that with every new generation we need to get back to what we mean when we talk about Worship. Over recent days I have heard the familiar comments ‘Did you enjoy the worship?‘ and ‘Who is leading worship this week?‘  Of course they were referring to the time of corporate singing on a Sunday morning or at any other another gathering of Christians. But what do we mean when we talk about the ‘worship time’ and ‘leading worship‘ ? Over the next few days I will post my thoughts on what worship in the church is all about. Perhaps as you read you will write your own comments and let me know if you ‘enjoyed the article on worship!’

Jesus the one true worshiper

First we understand that Jesus is our true worship leader.
The writer to the Hebrews tells us that ‘We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all.’ and again ‘by one sacrifice he has made perfect those who are being made holy’. Heb 10:10,14.
Because we have been made right before God ‘we have confidence to enter the most holy place by the blood of Jesus.’ Heb 10v19.
Access to God is now possible so we ‘draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith’ Heb 10v12.
Jesus as our worship leader has gone ahead of us and prepared the way so that we can meet God on a daily basis corporately or individually. He has opened up a new and living way once and for all.
So singing is not the way we gain access to God Jesus is. The ‘praise leader’ does not replace the priest, who mediates between God and the people. We have ‘one mediator between God and Man the man Christ Jesus’. We do not have to work or earn our way into God’s presence Christ has done that for us. Jesus is our true worshiper and it is all by grace.

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